If your purchase arrives in a faulty state do to production error or you receive an incorrect item, you can make a CLAIM and send photographic PROOF to KC Swag within 14 DAYS of delivery.

If deemed worth, you may receive a same-item or correct-item replacement, or a refund.

* KC Swag does not permit returns, refunds or exchanges for "change of mind" or incorrect product sizes or colors purchased.

To be eligible for a return, refund or exchange:

  • Item must be in the same condition as it was received, UNUSED and/or UNWASHED.
  • Item must be FAULTY or DAMAGED due to manufacturing or production process
  • Item must be INNCORRECT or DIFFERENT than item purchased.


Buyer MUST submit detailed photographic evidence of order issue. A picture of the whole item, as well as closeup detail photos or issue are required.

When an obvious mishap has occured, we FIX* the problem the best we can. However, all submitted evidence will weigh the judgment of the buyer's CLAIM by our quality control team.

*Returns, refunds or exchanges are not guaranteed if a product appears to be damaged during the shipping process, please contact the shipping provider before contacting KC Swag.


  • Any item NOT in its original condition
  • Any item that has surpassed more than 14 DAYS after delivery
  • Downloadable DIGITABLE Products (ie, gift cards, vouchers, promo codes, or store credit)
  • Claimed item RULED to be manufactured within industry stands (ie, size and fit)
  • Any item, broken or missing parts due to SHIPPING* errors or mistreated package handling.

*Exceptions can be made, but contact with Shipping Provider must be documented prior to contacting KC Swag.